MultiExcerpt - Asset Overview

MultiExcerpt - Asset Overview

The MultiExcerpt Asset Overview provides a central overview for all users about all existing MultiExcerpt Assets within all spaces depending on their specific content restrictions.

If the MultiExcerpt Assets are part of a restricted space/page, only the users or user groups with access to that content/space will be able to see the MultiExcerpts in this overview

In order to access the overview you need to go to your Apps-menu.

  1. Click on Apps in your header menu to open Your Apps menu:

and Click on MultiExcerpt Asset Management.

2. In our MultiExcerpt Asset Overview you can now find all existing for User accassable MultiExcerpt Assets. you can Filter by space or category and you can searh for specific MultiExerpt Asset names:

3. The Overview provides additional information if the MultiExcerpt Asset is located within a restricted space/content. This information is important for the usage of the specific MultiExcerpt Asset.

Before you include Assets with restrictions you should always check if the targetgroup for which you want to provide the information, also has the permissions to see the specific MultiExcerpt Asset

4. As additional Metainfos the overview shows which MultiExcerpt category the Assets belong to and in how many content pages they are already being used.


5. You can also access the Source page of any specific MultiExcerpt content Asset by clicking on the page name.


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