Blacklist unsupported Macros

Blacklist unsupported Macros

We do not support the usage of these macros with our Multi Excerpt Asset Manager macros. Please be advised to not use the macros as possible issues will not get support. Usage of these macros is under your own risk.

Please be advised that Third Party Vendor App macros might not work properly in combination with the Multi Excerpt Asset Manager macros. We do not support officially all Third Party Vendor App macros. We do offer a Sponsored Development option to work together on needed support for individual requested macro support.


The upload feature of the attachments macro does not allow the correct functionality of the Multi Excerpt Asset Manager App. We recommend to not use this macro as excerpt asset.


The dynamic iFrame logic of the iFrame macro could lead to unexpected results by combining it with the Multi Excerpt Asset Manager macros. We recommend to not use this macro as excerpt asset.


The standard Confluence Excerpt macro is not needed as you can now use our Multi Excerpt Asset Manager macros. We recommend to not use this macro in combination with our macros as the inception scenario makes no sense.


The standard Confluence Include-Excerpt macro is not needed as you can now use our Multi Excerpt Asset Manager macros. We recommend to not use this macro in combination with our macros as the inception scenario makes no sense.


The standard Confluence Include-Page macro is not needed as you can now use our Multi Excerpt Asset Manager macros. We recommend to not use this macro in combination with our macros as the inception scenario makes no sense.


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